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JAKO: The best in the market sector in Germany

In the vote "The best in the market sector" the German sports retailers voted us the best supplier.
JAKO: The best in the market sector in Germany
JAKO is 'German Partner Champion'! This is the title of the current issue of the trade magazine SAZsport, as German sports retailers voted us the best supplier in the team sports segment in the vote 'The best in the industry'.

"We are very pleased with this great feedback from the specialist trade," says our Head of Sales, Tobias Röschl, "even more so in these challenging times. We have intensified the contact to our retailers once again in recent months, carried out acquisitions together and further developed digital projects such as the online team shops. In short, we have prepared for the future together with retailers despite the historically difficult situation. It is often said that the crisis is like a burning glass. Perhaps that is precisely why our partnership approach has been particularly apparent.

In the vote 'The best in the market sector' SAZsport calls on all German sports retailers once a year to rate suppliers according to various categories: service, brand, partnership behaviour, products, trade margins/conditions and sustainability. The sports retailers voted us into first place ahead of all our competitors with an average mark of 1.56. In addition, we received the best marks in four of the six sub-categories. 

Röschl says: "The result shows us that we are on the right track. That is why we are now all the more motivated to become even better together with our partners and for our partners. Many thanks to the retailers for their trust! Many thanks to our great JAKO team, which makes such results possible!".