WE ARE TEAM. We live this motto. Whether we are the optimal outfitter for clubs, or as a reliable partner for the retail partners or as the employer for our 250 employees. Here we want to show you, what JAKO is about. Our vision, your mission and our values.Read more

It all started in a garage. In the year 1989 Rudi Sprugel founded the „JAKO Sportartikelvertriebs GmbH“ with the goal to equip all clubs in the region of the two rivers Jagst and Kocher, which actually named the company. Here, we tell you all about the milestones of our success story.Read more

We are a family business. Our fouder Rudi Sprügel runs JAKO to the date. His daughters work in leading positions. Together with a management team. Do you want to get to know our team?Here we present the key leaders.
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